The Difference Between 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi
The Difference Between 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi
If you’re having trouble connecting to WiFi, it could be due to a weak signal.wifi signal: 2.4ghz network There are several reasons for this, including being too far away from your router or thick walls blocking the signal. You can find out the exact dBm level of your wifi signal by using an app like Airport Utility on an iPhone or iPad, Wi-Fi Analyzer on Android or Nirsoft’s WifiInfoView for Windows. But a simpler way is to look at how many of the lines in the wifi symbol on your device are filled. A more filled line means a stronger connection.
WiFi works off of the same principle as other wireless devices, such as walkie talkies and cell phones, but with different radio frequencies.wifi signal: 2.4ghz network Those frequencies are measured in gigahertz, a measurement equal to one billion waves per second. The frequency of these signals is what determines how quickly they travel and how well they penetrate through barriers.
The signal strength is also determined by how many other electronic devices and appliances are around you.wifi signal: 2.4ghz network The 2.4 GHz band is very busy with things like microwaves, garage door openers and baby monitors. The 5 GHz bands are much less congested, so they provide better performance and range.
Regardless of which band you choose to connect to, it’s important to understand how each works and what affects them.wifi signal: 2.4ghz network Having an understanding of how the two networks work will help you make better decisions about which network to use, and which router settings are best for you.
Both networks use radio waves to send data, but the 2.wifi signal: 2.4ghz network 4GHz network is much more susceptible to interference from other devices in your home. This can cause slower speed and connection issues, or it can completely degrade your signal. Luckily, it’s fairly easy to fix this problem with the right router settings.
You may already be aware that the 2.wifi signal: 2.4ghz network 4 GHz network has a shorter range than the 5 GHz network, but you might not realize that it’s also more likely to experience congestion from other household devices that operate on the same frequencies as your WiFi device. These other devices can create interference with your WiFi, slowing down your speeds and creating a frustrating experience.
The good news is that most modern routers come with dual band WiFi, allowing you to switch between the two networks depending on your needs. This feature is especially useful if you have older mobile devices that only support the 2.4GHz network, as it will connect to this band automatically. However, most other devices will pick the best available channel, and this will be the 5 GHz network by default unless you specifically tell them to connect to the 2.4 GHz band. If you want to switch between the 2.4 and 5 GHz networks, check your router settings to see how to do so.